
Cedar Tree

Money collected so far


Al Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve

The largest of Lebanon nature reserves, Al-Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve stretches from Dahr Al-Baidar in the north to Niha Mountain in the south. blanketed with oak forests on its northeastern slopes and juniper and oak forests on its southeastern slopes the reserves most famous attractions are its three magnificent cedar forests of Maasser Al-Shouf , Barouk and Ain Zhalta – Bmohary . These Cedar forests account for a quarter of the remaining cedar forest in Lebanon , and some trees are estimated to be 2,000 years old. The size of the reserve makes it a good location for the conservation of medium size mammals such as the wolf and the Lebanese jungle cat, as well as various species of mountain and plants.


Cedar Tree

The cedar forests of Lebanon enjoy the unique distinction as the oldest documented forests in history.
The cedars were featured prominently in the earliest written records of the Sumerians dating from the third millennium BC.
The Epic of Gilgamesh describes the cedar forests of Lebanon as being “one thousand leagues long and one thousand leagues wide”.
However, it was the Phoenicians along the coast of present-day Lebanon and from such ancient cities as Byblos, Tyre and Sidon, who became the principal dealers in the timber of the cedar.
Centuries later, during the early years of the twentieth century, the Ottoman Turks deforested all of the cedar growing areas within easy transport distance of their Hijaz railway to provide fuel for their wood-burning engines. Only the highest and most remote groves escaped damage.
In modern day Lebanon, the legendary cedar is still revered and remains prominent in the minds of all Lebanese. The cedar is featured on the national flag, the national airline, Government logos, the Lebanese currency and innumerable commercial logos. It is the feature of books, poetry, post cards, posters and art. The Cedars of Lebanon are an important part of the cultural heritage of the people of Lebanon.
Residential & commercial development


Rangers Voice

“It is an act of faith and belonging. The cedar forests are our cultural and natural heritage. Protecting them is important to enhance biodiversity and nature. We have come to realize that they also enhance our quality of life and our well-being, as well as that of our children.”
Ramzi Breik


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